Email Marketing

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We hate spam. Just like everybody else.

All of us know what it’s like to get unwanted or unsolicited emails. But it’s also an established fact that e-mail marketing is one of the most successful online marketing methods.

So what’s the key to a successful email marketing campaign for your practice?

It all comes down to knowing your patients.

The DMS Approach to Email Marketing

At DMS, we help you focus on providing patients with value.

We do this by highlighting the most-recent blog articles on your site, which many patients may not even realize are there. And we work together with you to determine what types of offers are the most popular among those frequenting your practice. We pay close attention to the data to see which campaigns work the best, and what your patients really want. This then affects the articles on your website and the offers they receive.

And we only e-mail your patients if they specifically signed up for the service.

The result? Email marketing that works — and that patients actually appreciate.

How Email Marketing Benefits Dentists

Our goal in email marketing is to increase the number of visits to your practice.

In addition to valuable content and well-written subject lines, we use specific “calls-to-action” (CTAs) that ultimately funnel traffic to a special promotion or appointment request. Also, we review helpful data that can provide additional methods to convert leads.

This extra effort is often just what’s needed to get your patients in for the appointments they need.

Yes, I’m ready to learn more about how to use e-mail to benefit my patients and my practice.

Then, contact us and we’ll be happy to provide more information.