Ranking Reports

We love making data work for you.

As a dental professional, you know how important it is to collect the right data. Informing yourself of patient histories, as well as their reactions to your treatment, can often influence a treatment’s success.

The same principle applies when developing a website. In building your online presence, we gain access to loads of data. In turn, we track that data, and then put it into a format that’s easy to read and learn from.

Then we use that data to inform our strategies and decisions – with the goal of bringing in new patients and delivering added value to current ones.

Detailed Reports

As a DMS client, you’ll receive the following reports on a regular, ongoing basis:

Search Engine Ranking Report

The first goal of any web marketing is to make sure people can find your website. We explicitly track your website’s performance on search engines like Google, Yahoo! and Bing, in relation to “keywords,” i.e., the words and phrases individuals are searching on the internet.

Your monthly report will include a strategic set of keywords customized for your website, and whether or not your website appears on the first page of search results for those keywords.

Website Traffic Report

With Google Analytics, we can track a variety of statistics regarding your website, including:

  • How much traffic your website receives
  • Performance of varying keywords
  • How many (and which) pages visitors are viewing
  • How long individuals are spending on your website
  • What actions they’re taking
  • Which types of devices are being used to access your website

This data leads to insights that inform the future marketing strategy for your website.

Yes, I want access to a well-informed and data driven marketing strategy for my website.

Contact us and we’ll be happy to provide more information.